A socially responsible organization in the socio economic development of Eastern Africa.

Word from the Chairman

On behalf of my fellow Office Bearers, I assure you, that we will work with the best of our ability, to serve our brothers and sisters, within the mandate given to us by the OERB Constitution.
It gives me great pleasure to reach you through our website, which has a new look, and we will be using more forms of modern technology to send out information bulletins, in the coming days.
I can’t imagine that we have only passed about 3 months in office, and yet achieved so much. The following are some of the activities we have accomplished: –


  1. Two Managing Committee Meetings
  2. One Extra Ordinary General Meeting
  3. Created a new Structure for OERB, with an Organogram, and Appointed Subcommittees and a Task Force
  4. Created Education Co-ordination Committee(ECC) and Campus Committees (CC)
  5. Appointed an Education Consultant who will also provide Career Guidance to the Students
  6. Visited all the OERB premises and met with the Stakeholders
  7. Faster Processing of Higher Education Loans and issuance of Cheques
  8. Students Medical Insurance Cover
  9. Serving Food to all the OAN campuses from Visa Oshwal Boarding (In-house)
  10. Three visits to OA-Mombasa by the Office Bearers
  11. Tightened Procurement procedures and tighter controls on Inventory
  12. Meet and Greet Dinner with Volunteers and they were given an opportunity to receive suggestions
  13. Improving the Complaints procedure and systems so that issues are resolved in a timely manner
  14. Upcoming Activity – Office Bearers will be visiting VOC centres across East Africa

I am confident that with our great team of volunteers, we will accomplish more tasks in coming days.

We value your suggestions and input, and we strive to maintain a positive outlook and work proactively.

Thank you for your co-operation and remain blessed!

Yours, always in Service,

Mr. Nitin Malde

Chairman – Oshwal Education & Relief Board